Guides to the night sky
The Bright star catalogue in Grus
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HR 8229
HR 8236
HR 8241
HR 8299
HR 8323
HR 8353
HR 8366
HR 8367
BZ Gru
HR 8379
HR 8411
HR 8425
HR 8440
HR 8477
HR 8484
HR 8486
HR 8488
HR 8501
HR 8521
HR 8524
HR 8552
HR 8556
HR 8560
HR 8600
HR 8602
HR 8611
CC Gru
HR 8635
HR 8636
HR 8639
HR 8644
HR 8655
HR 8657
HR 8658
HR 8659
HR 8662
HR 8671
HR 8675
HR 8685
HR 8700
HR 8713
HR 8722
HR 8747
HR 8749
HR 8760
HR 8771
HR 8774
HR 8787
HR 8790
HR 8791
HR 8793
HR 8814
HR 8818
HR 8820
HR 8828
HR 8835
HR 8846
HR 8847
HR 8859
HR 8877
HR 8895
HR 8896
HR 8898
HR 8907
Latitude: Longitude: Timezone:
47.61°N 122.33°W PDT
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Light Night mode