The Moon

Image of the Moon
Finder chart
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Click and drag the chart above to pan around the sky, or use the mouse wheel to zoom. Click to enlarge.

Show information for

From Paris , the Moon is visible from soon after it rises, at 11:15, until soon before it sets at 20:05. Always take extreme caution when trying to make daytime observations of the Moon while the Sun is above the horizon.

Begin typing the name of a town near to you, and then select the town from the list of options which appear below.
Name The Moon
Object type Moon
Current position
Computed for:06 October 2024
Right ascension:14h53m [1]
Declination:−20°08' [1]
Magnitude:-9.89 (V) [1]
Angular diameter:1775.7 arcsec[1]
Distance:0.00 AU
0.02 lightmin [1]
Angular motion (speed):12.08 deg/day[1]
Angular motion (pos ang):111.6°
Current phase

Embed the Moon's phase in your website

You can embed the Moon's phase in your website. Simply configure the options below, and paste the grey HTML code into your website.

This widget has a transparent background and no border to give you maximum flexibility to integrate it into the design of your website.

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Visibility from Paris

All times shown in Paris local time.

11 Sep 2024  –  Moon at First Quarter
15 Sep 2024  –  The Moon at aphelion
18 Sep 2024  –  Full Moon
18 Sep 2024  –  Partial lunar eclipse
18 Sep 2024  –  The Moon at perigee
24 Sep 2024  –  Moon at Last Quarter
02 Oct 2024  –  New Moon
02 Oct 2024  –  The Moon at apogee





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