List of the Constellations
The table below lists the 88 astronomical constellations.
Constellation | Mythological Association | First Appeared | Genitive Form | Brightest Star |
Constellation | Mythological Association | First Appeared | Genitive Form | Brightest Star |
Andromeda | The Princess Andromeda; in Greek mythology, the daughter of Cepheus and Cassiopeia and wife of Perseus. |
Ancient |
Andromedae | Alpheratz |
Antlia | The air pump; a southern constellation introduced by Lacaille in 1756, originally the 'pneumatic machine'. |
1756 (Lacaille) |
Antliae | α-Ant |
Apus | The bird of paradise; a southern constellation introduced by Keyser & de Houtman in 1598. |
1598 (Keyser & de Houtman) |
Apodis | α-Aps |
Aquarius | The water bearer; in Greek mythology, Ganymede, wine-waiter to the Gods and lover of Zeus. |
Ancient |
Aquarii | Sadalsuud |
Aquila | The eagle; in Greek mythology, the bird of Zeus and the retriever of his thunderbolts. |
Ancient |
Aquilae | Altair |
Ara | The altar; in Greek mythology, used by the Gods to vow allegiance before their battle with the Titans. |
Ancient |
Arae | α-Ara |
Aries | The ram; in Greek mythology, the animal whose golden fleece was recovered by Jason and the Argonauts. |
Ancient |
Arietis | Hamal |
Auriga | The charioteer; in Greek mythology, Erichthonius, son of Vulcan, the first person to attach four horses to a chariot. |
Ancient |
Aurigae | Capella |
Bootes | The herdsman; in Greek mythology, Arcas, son of Zeus by Callisto. |
Ancient |
Bootis | Arcturus |
Caelum | The chisel; a southern constellation introduced by Lacaille in 1756. |
1756 (Lacaille) |
Caeli | α-Cae |
Camelopardalis | The giraffe; a large but faint northern constellation introduced by Plancius in 1612. |
1612 (Plancius) |
Camelopardalis | β-Cam |
Cancer | The crab; in Greek mythology, a crab which bit Hercules's foot. |
Ancient |
Cancri | β-Cnc |
Canes Venatici | The hunting dogs; introduced by Johannes Hevelius in 1687, and said to be held by the herdsman Bootes. |
1687 (Hevelius) |
Canum Venaticorum | Cor-Caroli |
Canis Major | The greater dog; in Greek mythology, a hunting dog belonging to Orion, depicted pursuing the hare Lepus. |
Ancient |
Canis Majoris | Sirius |
Canis Minor | The lesser dog; in Greek mythology, a hunting dog belonging to Orion, depicted pursuing the hare Lepus. |
Ancient |
Canis Minoris | Procyon |
Capricornus | The sea goat; associated with Pan in Greek mythology, god of the countryside. |
Ancient |
Capricorni | δ-Cap |
Carina | The keel; a sub-division of the ancient constellation Argo – in Greek mythology, the ship of the Argonauts. |
1756 (Lacaille) |
Carinae | Canopus |
Cassiopeia | Queen Cassiopeia; in Greek mythology, wife of Cepheus and mother of Andromeda. |
Ancient |
Cassiopeiae | γ-Cas |
Centaurus | The Centaur: half man and half horse; in Greek mythology, the wise centaur Chiron. |
Ancient |
Centauri | Rigil-Kentaurus |
Cepheus | King Cepheus of Aethiopia; in Greek mythology, the king of Aethiopia, descended from Zeus and Io. |
Ancient |
Cephei | Alderamin |
Cetus | The sea monster, which in Greek mythology attacked Cepheus's territory and Andromeda, but which was slain by Perseus. |
Ancient |
Ceti | Diphda |
Chamaeleon | The chameleon; introduced by Keyser & de Houtman in 1598. |
1598 (Keyser & de Houtman) |
Chamaeleontis | α-Cha |
Circinus | The pair of dividing compasses; a modern constellation introduced by Lacaille in 1756. |
1756 (Lacaille) |
Circini | α-Cir |
Columba | The dove; introduced by Plancius in 1592. In Biblical history, said to be the dove of Noah. |
1592 (Plancius) |
Columbae | Phact |
Coma Berenices | The hair of Queen Berenice of Egypt; introduced as a constellation by Vopel in 1536. |
1536 (Vopel) |
Comae Berenices | β-Com |
Corona Australis | The southern crown, lying at the feet of Sagittarius, and known to the Greeks as a wreath. |
Ancient |
Coronae Australis | α-CrA |
Corona Borealis | The northern crown; in Greek mythology, worn by the Princess Ariadne on her wedding day. |
Ancient |
Coronae Borealis | Alphecca |
Corvus | The crow; in Greek mythology, sent by Apollo in search of water. |
Ancient |
Corvi | Gienah |
Crater | The cup; in Greek mythology, clutched by the crow Crater in its search for water. |
Ancient |
Crateris | δ-Crt |
Crux | The southern cross; introduced as a constellation by Plancius in 1598. |
1598 (Plancius) |
Crucis | Acrux |
Cygnus | The swan; in Greek mythology, Zeus in disguise. |
Ancient |
Cygni | Deneb |
Delphinus | The dolphin; in Greek mythology, the messenger of Poseidon. |
Ancient |
Delphini | Rotanev |
Dorado | The goldfish; a constellation introduced by Keyser & de Houtman in 1598. |
1598 (Keyser & de Houtman) |
Doradus | α-Dor |
Draco | The dragon; in Greek mythology, Ladon, guard of the tree on which golden apples grew, slain by Hercules. |
Ancient |
Draconis | Eltanin |
Equuleus | The little horse; a tiny yet ancient constellation with no mythological association. |
Ancient (Ptolemy) |
Equulei | Kitalpha |
Eridanus | The mythical river Eridanus; associated variously with the Nile or Po. |
Ancient |
Eridani | Achernar |
Fornax | The furnace; originally a chemist's distillation furnace, introduced by Lacaille in 1756. |
1756 (Lacaille) |
Fornacis | α-For |
Gemini | The mythical twins Castor and Pollux. |
Ancient |
Geminorum | Pollux |
Grus | The crane; a constellation introduced by Keyser & de Houtman in 1598. |
1598 (Keyser & de Houtman) |
Gruis | Alnair |
Hercules | Hercules; a large yet dark constellation representing the greatest hero of Greek mythology. |
Ancient |
Herculis | Kornephoros |
Horologium | The pendulum clock; a modern constellation introduced by Lacaille in 1756. |
1756 (Lacaille) |
Horologii | α-Hor |
Hydra | The multi-headed water snake, slain by Hercules in Greek mythology. |
Ancient |
Hydrae | Alphard |
Hydrus | The lesser water snake; introduced as a constellation by Keyser & de Houtman in 1598. |
1598 (Keyser & de Houtman) |
Hydri | β-Hyi |
Indus | The Indian; introduced as a constellation by Keyser & de Houtman in 1598. |
1598 (Keyser & de Houtman) |
Indi | α-Ind |
Lacerta | The lizard; introduced as a constellation by Johannes Hevelius in 1690. |
1690 (Hevelius) |
Lacertae | α-Lac |
Leo | The lion of Nemea; in Greek mythology, a monster slain by Hercules. |
Ancient |
Leonis | Regulus |
Leo Minor | The lion cub; introduced as a constellation by Johannes Hevelius in 1687. |
1687 (Hevelius) |
Leonis Minoris | 46-LMi |
Lepus | The hare; often depicted being chased by Orion and his two dogs. |
Ancient |
Leporis | Arneb |
Libra | The balance; a zodiacal constellation introduced by the Romans. |
Ancient (Roman) |
Librae | Zubeneschamali |
Lupus | The wolf; an ancient constellation, but without mythological association. |
Ancient |
Lupi | α-Lup |
Lynx | The lynx; a faint constellation introduced by Johannes Hevelius in 1687. |
1687 (Hevelius) |
Lyncis | α-Lyn |
Lyra | The lyre; often said to be played by Orpheus, the greatest musician of his age. |
Ancient |
Lyrae | Vega |
Mensa | Table Mountain, South Africa; a modern constellation introduced by Lacaille in 1756, celebrating his southern-hemisphere observing site. |
1756 (Lacaille) |
Mensae | α-Men |
Microscopium | The microscope; a modern constellation introduced by Lacaille in 1756. |
1756 (Lacaille) |
Microscopii | γ-Mic |
Monoceros | The unicorn; a constellation introduced by Plancius in 1612. |
1612 (Plancius) |
Monocerotis | α-Mon |
Musca | The fly; a constellation introduced by Keyser & de Houtman in 1598. |
1598 (Keyser & de Houtman) |
Muscae | α-Mus |
Norma | The set square; a modern constellation introduced by Lacaille in 1756. |
1756 (Lacaille) |
Normae | γ²-Nor |
Octans | The octant, a navigational instrument invented in the 1730s. A modern constellation introduced by Lacaille in 1756. |
1756 (Lacaille) |
Octantis | ν-Oct |
Ophiuchus | The serpent bearer; in Greek mythology, Asclepius, the god of medicine, depicted in the sky holding the snake Serpens. |
Ancient |
Ophiuchi | Rasalhague |
Orion | The hunter; associated in Greek mythology with a son of Poseidon, but associated by the Sumerians with their great hero Gilgamesh. |
Ancient |
Orionis | Rigel |
Pavo | The peacock; a constellation introduced by Keyser & de Houtman in 1598. |
1598 (Keyser & de Houtman) |
Pavonis | Peacock |
Pegasus | The winged horse; in Greek mythology, used by Zeus to carry thunder and lightning. |
Ancient |
Pegasi | Enif |
Perseus | Perseus; in Greek mythology, the husband of Andromeda, also known for slaying Medusa the Gorgon. |
Ancient |
Persei | Mirfak |
Phoenix | The phoenix; a constellation introduced by Keyser & de Houtman in 1598. |
1598 (Keyser & de Houtman) |
Phoenicis | Ankaa |
Pictor | The painter's easel; a modern constellation introduced by Lacaille in 1756. |
1756 (Lacaille) |
Pictoris | α-Pic |
Pisces | Two fishes, swimming in opposite directions with their tails connected by a cord. |
Ancient |
Piscium | η-Psc |
Piscis Austrinus | The southern fish; the parent of the two fish depicted by Pisces. |
Ancient |
Piscis Austrini | Fomalhaut |
Puppis | The poop deck of the Argo Navis; a sub-division of the ancient constellation Argo – in Greek mythology, the ship of the Argonauts. |
1756 (Lacaille) |
Puppis | Naos |
Pyxis | The compass; a southern constellation introduced by Lacaille in 1756. |
1756 (Lacaille) |
Pyxidis | α-Pyx |
Reticulum | The net; a southern constellation introduced by Lacaille in 1756, commemorating the cross-hair in his telescope. |
1756 (Lacaille) |
Reticuli | α-Ret |
Sagitta | The arrow; in Greek mythology, perhaps the arrow that Apollo used to kill the Cyclopes. |
Ancient |
Sagittae | γ-Sge |
Sagittarius | The archer; usually drawn as a centaur – half man, half horse |
Ancient |
Sagittarii | Kaus-Australis |
Scorpius | The scorpion; said to have stung the hunter Orion to death in Greek mythology. |
Ancient |
Scorpii | Antares |
Sculptor | The sculptor – originally, the sculptor's studio; a modern constellation introduced by Lacaille in 1756. |
1756 (Lacaille) |
Sculptoris | α-Scl |
Scutum | The shield; a constellation honouring King John III Sobieski of Poland – the only politically inspired constellation still in use. |
1684 (Hevelius) |
Scuti | α-Sct |
Serpens Caput | The serpent's head; held by Ophiuchus and part of the same constellation as Serpens Cauda. |
Ancient |
Serpentis Caput | Unukalhai |
Serpens Cauda | The serpent's tail; held by Ophiuchus and part of the same constellation as Serpens Caput. |
Ancient |
Serpentis Cauda | η-Ser |
Sextans | The sextant; a constellation introduced by Johannes Hevelius in 1687, celebrating an instrument used to measure star positions. |
1687 (Hevelius) |
Sextantis | α-Sex |
Taurus | The bull; said by the Sumerians to be charging at Orion the hunter, but in Greek mythology said to be Zeus in disguise. |
Ancient |
Tauri | Aldebaran |
Telescopium | The telescope; a modern constellation introduced by Lacaille in 1756. |
1756 (Lacaille) |
Telescopii | α-Tel |
Triangulum | The triangle; appearing similar to a capital delta in the Greek alphabet. |
Ancient |
Trianguli | β-Tri |
Triangulum Australe | The southern triangle; a constellation introduced by Keyser & de Houtman in 1598. |
1598 (Keyser & de Houtman) |
Trianguli Australe | Atria |
Tucana | The toucan; a constellation introduced by Keyser & de Houtman in 1598. |
1598 (Keyser & de Houtman) |
Tucanae | α-Tuc |
Ursa Major | The great bear, also known as the Big Dipper or the Plough. In Greek mythology, Callisto, lover of Zeus. |
Ancient |
Ursae Majoris | Alioth |
Ursa Minor | The lesser bear; in Greek mythology, one of the nymphs that nursed Zeus as an infant. |
Ancient |
Ursae Minoris | Polaris |
Vela | The sail; a sub-division of the ancient constellation Argo – in Greek mythology, the ship of the Argonauts. |
1756 (Lacaille) |
Velorum | γ²-Vel |
Virgo | The virgin; in Greek mythology, the goddess of justice. |
Ancient |
Virginis | Spica |
Volans | The flying fish; a constellation introduced by Keyser & de Houtman in 1598, celebrating the family Exocoetidae. |
1598 (Keyser & de Houtman) |
Volantis | γ²-Vol |
Vulpecula | The fox; a constellation introduced by Johannes Hevelius in 1687. |
1687 (Hevelius) |
Vulpeculae | α-Vul |