The Deep Sky

Showing events visible from Cambridge on 26 July 2024.
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Messier 55 is well placed

From the Deep Sky feed

The globular cluster M55 (NGC 6809l; mag 6.3) in Sagittarius culminates at around midnight local time.

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Messier 15 is well placed

From the Deep Sky feed

Messier 2 is well placed

From the Deep Sky feed

NGC 55 is well placed

From the Deep Sky feed

The Andromeda Galaxy is well placed

From the Deep Sky feed

NGC 253 is well placed

From the Deep Sky feed

The Triangulum Galaxy is well placed

From the Deep Sky feed

The Perseus Double Cluster is well placed

From the Deep Sky feed

The Pleiades cluster is well placed

From the Deep Sky feed

The Hyades cluster is well placed

From the Deep Sky feed

The Orion Nebula is well placed

From the Deep Sky feed

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The Great Peacock Globular Cluster is well placed

From the Deep Sky feed

The cluster IC 4756 is well placed

From the Deep Sky feed

Messier 22 is well placed

From the Deep Sky feed

The cluster NGC 6633 is well placed

From the Deep Sky feed

The Lagoon Nebula is well placed

From the Deep Sky feed

The Ptolemy cluster is well placed

From the Deep Sky feed

The cluster IC 4665 is well placed

From the Deep Sky feed

The Butterfly cluster is well placed

From the Deep Sky feed

Messier 92 is well placed

From the Deep Sky feed

Messier 62 is well placed

From the Deep Sky feed





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