Ordinary Meeting, 2002 February 23

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Ordinary Meeting, 2002 February 23

held at the Scientific Societies' Lecture Theatre, 23 Savile Row, London W1

Mr Guy Hurst, President

Ron Johnson and Nick James, Secretaries

The President welcomed members to the fourth meeting of the 112th session. Before starting the proceedings, the President invited the audience to stand as a mark of respect for ****, who sadly died in December. The minutes of the meeting of 2002 January 5 were then read, approved and signed. Mr. Johnson stated that **** presents had been received, and the audience applauded the donors:


Mr. Johnson thanked those members who had helped at Astrofest, and reported takings of £2,100. **** candidates were proposed for election, and the 10 [?] candidates proposed at the last meeting were approved by those members present. The President invited any new members to introduce themselves at coffee. Mr. James stated that two papers had been accepted by Council for publication in the Journal:

****, by Patrick Moore

****, by Bob Steele

The President announced that the Deep Sky Section meeting would be held on March 9, and the next Ordinary Meeting would be on March 16. He remarked that Prof. Meikle's talk on supernovae on March 16 would be topical given that this subject had been raised at the recent Cambridge ProAm meeting. Finally, the President invited Roger Dymock to make an appeal for observers to make follow-up observations of Near Earth Asteroids – a field where professional resources are limited – before inviting Dr. David Whitehouse, science editor of BBC News Online, to speak on the history of the Moon.





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