Ordinary Meeting, 2002 March 16

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Ordinary Meeting, 2002 March 16

held at the Scientific Societies' Lecture Theatre, 23 Savile Row, London W1

Mr Guy Hurst, President

Ron Johnson and Nick James, Secretaries

The President welcomed members to the fifth meeting of the 112th session. The minutes of the previous meeting of 2002 February 23 were read and approved. Mr. Johnson stated that no presents had been received. The President announced that thirty new members had been proposed for election, and the ten new members proposed at the previous meeting were approved for election by the members present. He invited any new members who had not already introduced themselves to meet him for a chat during the break. Mr. James reported that four papers had been accepted by Council to appear in the Journal:


The President informed the meeting that forthcoming events included the Winchester weekend of March 22-24, including a vast array of speakers, and the next Ordinary Meeting, to be held at the University of Cardiff. In other news, he welcomed Ann Davies who would shortly join the Society's office as Assistant Secretary. The President wished her well, and hoped her arrival would reduce the workload on the existing staff, and the audience applauded Ms. Davies.

The President announced that Council had made a number of awards as follows:


It was commented that Mark Armstrong's award was particularly well-earned in light of his discovery of three supernovae in the week preceding the meeting. This was particularly relevant to the meeting's first speaker, Prof. Peter Meikle of Imperial College, London, who is a pioneer of the infrared study of supernovae. The President welcomed him to speak on Supernova Secrets; Infrared Insights.





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