The March Sky

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Ordinary Meeting, 2003 March 19

held at The Geological Society, Burlington House, Piccadilly, London W1

Guy Hurst, President

Ron Johnson, Nick Hewitt and Nick James, Secretaries

The President opened the fourth Ordinary Meeting of the 113th session. Dr Nick Hewitt was invited to read the minutes of the previous meeting, which had been held at the first Observing Workshop in February, and these were approved by members. Mr Johnson announced that one present had been donated since the previous meeting: a copy of Nick James' latest book [?], donated by Explorer's Tours [?]. Following the recent membership drive, the President was pleased to announce that there were 236 new members proposed for election. The six proposed new members from the previous meeting were approved by members. The President was keen to meet any of these new members after the meeting. Mr James announced that Council had approved two papers for the Journal:

Radio Emission from the Active Sun, by J.C.D. Marsh

Scale Model of the Solar System, by Barry Keenan

Mr Hurst announced that free NASA bulletins, detailing the local circumstances of all total and annular solar eclipses during 2003, were available at the meeting. The Association's next meeting would be held at King Alfred College in Winchester on April 25-27, and would include the second in the series of Observing Workshops. The President was delighted by the amount of positive feedback which he had received in response to the first Workshop, and hoped that the second would be equally successful. The Winchester weekend would be followed on May 10 by the annual ProAm meeting, hosted this year by the Open University, and including the inaugural George Alcock memorial talk by Dr Brian Marsden. The next Ordinary Meeting was to be held on May 21.

Finally, the President encouraged members to pass on their opinions of the suitability of the lecture theatre, which was being used for the first time. Mr Martin Mobberley was then invited to present Sky Notes.





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