Ordinary Meeting, 2003 October 29

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Ordinary Meeting, 2003 October 29

held at The Geological Society, Burlington House, Piccadilly, London W1

Tom Boles, President

Ron Johnson, Nick Hewitt and Nick James, Secretaries

Mr Tom Boles, the incoming President, opened the first Ordinary Meeting of the 114th session with the sombre news of the death of Henry Wildey, shortly after his 90th birthday. Mr Wildey had long been a friend of the Association, serving as Curator of Instruments for 27 years from 1951 to 1978, and receiving the Lydia Brown Medal and Gift in 1978. Members respectfully observed a moment of silence.

Dr Hewitt read the minutes of the eighth Ordinary Meeting of the previous session, held at the York weekend, and these were duly approved. At this point, the President took the opportunity to thank Mr Guy Hurst, outgoing President, for guiding the Association so skilfully over the previous two years, and for arranging affairs with such clarity prior to the handover. Mr Boles wished also to express his gratitude to those retiring members of Council.

Mr Johnson announced the receipt of a total of 34 presents, including a number of books from the estates of N. Goodman and A.J. Roberts. A. Kinder had donated three books: Victorian Telescope Makers – Lives & Letters of Thomas Howard Grubb, by I.S. Glass, 80 Not Out. The Autobiography, by P.A. Moore, Astronomy of the Bible, by E.W. Maunder. R. McKim had donated three books: Venus devant le Soleil, by A. Simann (ed.), Au Plus pres de la Planete Mars, by P. Morel (ed.), Un Siecle Astronomie, by A. Dollfus. A. Loinger had donated a copy of his book On Black Holes and Gravity Waves, and a CDROM Spectrohelioscope Goodies had been donated by F.N. Veio.

Members showed appreciation to the donors of these gifts. The President announced the proposal of 49 new members, whilst the 79 members proposed at the previous meeting, finding the approval of the audience, were duly elected. Mr James announced the acceptance of three papers to appear in the Journal:

Emergence of low relief terrain from shadow – an explanation for some TLP, by Tony Cook

Henry McEwen of Glasgow: a forgotten astronomer?, by Richard McKim

Jupiter in 2000/2001 – Part II: Infrared and ultraviolet wavelengths, by John Rogers

The President announced that the next meeting would be held at 14:30 on Saturday November 29 at the Geological Society. The main speakers would be Nigel Henbest & Heather Couper, speaking on Mars, the Inside Story. Martin Mobberley and Geoffrey Johnson would also be speaking. Mr Boles then proceeded to welcome the evening's main speaker, Dr Richard McKim, Director of the Association's Mars Section.





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