Ordinary Meeting, 2005 January 26

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Ordinary Meeting, 2005 January 26

held at The Geological Society, Burlington House, Piccadilly, London W1

Tom Boles, President

Ron Johnson, Nick Hewitt and Nick James, Secretaries

The President opened the fourth Meeting of the 115th session, inviting Dr Nick Hewitt to read the minutes of the previous meeting. After these had been approved, Mr Boles expressed his gratitude to Mr Guy Hurst, who had chaired the latter part of the proceedings in his absence. It was announced that ??? new members were proposed for election, meanwhile the audience approved the twenty-five who had been proposed at the previous meeting. Mr James announced that two papers had been approved for Journal publication:

The Zeeman Effect observed with a spectrohelioscope, by Fredrick Veio

A discussion of the duration of central transits as seen from the Earth, by Darren Beard

The next Ordinary Meeting would be held, along with a Special General Meeting, on March 30, at the present venue. In the meantime, however, there was also to be an experimental Back to Basics workshop in Chichester on January 29, the sixth in the Association's successful series of Observers Workshops at the Open University in Milton Keynes on February 26, and a Sectional Meeting of the Deep Sky Section in Northampton on March 5. Finally, in accordance with traditional practice at this point in a President's tenure, Mr Boles announced his personal nomination for his successor, due to take office at the start of the following session. He was pleased to recommend Dr Richard Miles for the post, and offered him his warmest congratulations should he be elected.

Mr Boles then proceeded to welcome the evening's first speaker, Dr David Boyd, Vice-President of Newbury Astronomical Society, and an active member of the Variable Star Section.





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