Ordinary Meeting, 2005 April 23

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Ordinary Meeting, 2005 April 23

held at The English Heritage Lecture Theatre, 23 Savile Row, London W1

Tom Boles, President

Ron Johnson, Nick Hewitt and Nick James, Secretaries

The President opened the sixth meeting of the 115th Session, and invited Dr Nick Hewitt to read the minutes of the previous meeting. These met the approval of members, and were duly signed. Mr Boles then announced that 29 new members were proposed for election; the 50 who had been proposed at the previous meeting were approved by members and declared elected. Mr Nick James, Papers Secretary, announced that two new papers had been approved for Journal publication:

The Priest and the Stuffed Penguin; Father Stephen Perry SJ and the Transit of Venus Expeditions to Kerguelen Island, 1874, and Madagascar, 1882, by Peter Hingley

The Opposition of Mars, 1997, by Richard McKim

Mr Boles announced that the next meeting would be held at the Geological Society on May 25, when the main speaker would be Dr Andy Norton of the Open University, whose talk would be entitled Outbursts, Orbits and Oscillations. In the meantime, there would be a meeting of the Comet Section on May 14 at the Institute of Astronomy in Cambridge, and of the Instruments and Imaging Section on May 21 in Northampton.

He then proceeded to introduce the afternoon's first speaker, Dr Omar Almaini, who held a Royal Society Fellowship at the University of Nottingham. His research interests included the interconnection between quasars and galaxy evolution.





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