Ordinary Meeting, 2006 January 25

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Ordinary Meeting, 2006 January 25

held at New Hunts House, Guys Hospital, London Bridge, London SE1

Richard Miles, President

Ron Johnson, Hazel Collett and Nick James, Secretaries

The President opened the third meeting of the 116th session, and invited Mrs Hazel Collett to read the minutes of the previous meeting, which were approved by members. Mr Ron Johnson, Business Secretary, reported that no presents had been received. Dr Miles announced that ??? new members were proposed for election; he then put to members the election of those 80 [?] who had been proposed at the December meeting, and, this being approved, declared them duly elected. He invited any newcomers to introduce themselves to him after the evening's talks. Mr Nick James, Papers Secretary, announced that one paper had been approved by Council for Journal publication:

[insert paper details here]

Dr Miles announced that the next Ordinary Meeting would be held along with a Special General Meeting on March 22 at the present venue. Before then, the seventh in the Association's series of Observers' Workshops would take place at the Open University in Milton Keynes on February 25, and there would be a meeting of the Deep Sky Section on March 4.

The President then welcomed the evening's first speaker, Mr Martin Mobberley, to present his Sky Notes.





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