Ordinary Meeting, 2006 May 31

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Ordinary Meeting, 2006 May 31

held at New Hunts House, Guys Hospital, London Bridge, London SE1

Richard Miles, President

Ron Johnson, Hazel Collett and Nick James, Secretaries

The President opened the sixth meeting of the 116th Session, and, in the absence of the Meetings Secretary, invited Mr Martin Morgan-Taylor to read the minutes of the previous meeting, which were approved by members and duly signed. Mr Ron Johnson, Business Secretary, reported that two presents had been received since the last meeting. [I have this in my notes, but left it rather late to get the details from Ron, who has no record of this, so we might not be able to list details...] The President announced that 13 new members were proposed for election. Council had met twice since the last meeting; in April, it had approved 84 new members, subject to confirmation by the present meeting, and a further 23 new members had been approved shortly before the present meeting. The meeting approved the election of these 107 individuals, and the President declared them duly elected.

Mr Nick James, Papers Secretary, announced that four new papers had been accepted by Council for publication in the Journal:


Dr Miles reported that the next meeting of the Association would be the Variable Star Section's annual meeting, to take place at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory in Didcot, Oxfordshire, on Saturday June 3. The next Ordinary Meeting would take place during the annual Exhibition Meeting on June 24, which would once again be hosted by the Cavendish Laboratory in Cambridge. The talks on that occasion would include Martin Mobberley's final Sky Notes instalment before he stepped down from the job; this was surely a show not to be missed.

The President then proceeded to introduce the evening's first speaker, Dr Arne Henden, Director of the American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO). The President added that, in addition to sharing his expertise presently, Dr Henden would also be attending the Variable Star Section meeting on the following Saturday; he expressed his gratitude to Dr Henden for offering such keen support to the Association's observers.





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