Special General Meeting, 2007 March 28

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Special General Meeting, 2007 March 28

held at New Hunts House, Guys Hospital, London Bridge, London SE1

Richard Miles, President

Ron Johnson, Hazel Collett and Nick James, Secretaries

The President opened the SGM of the 117th Session and invited Mrs Hazel Collett, Meetings Secretary, to read the minutes of the previous meeting. After these had been approved and duly signed, the President invited Mr David Boyd, Treasurer, to address the Meeting. Mr Boyd reported that the finances of the Association were in a healthy state, though its expenses continued to rise in line with inflation. Council had therefore proposed that the annual subscription rate should likewise be raised in line with inflation. For Ordinary Members, a rise from £39 for the present session to £40.50 for the coming session was proposed; members paying reduced subscription rates would see a pro-rata rise. The Treasurer invited questions, but there were none. He then proceeded to propose this motion to the Meeting, and it was seconded and carried with three abstentions.

There being no further business, the President closed the Meeting, and the fifth Ordinary Meeting of the session followed.


Dominic Ford

© 2006 Dominic Ford / The British Astronomical Association.





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