Annual General Meeting, 2007 October 21

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Annual General Meeting, 2007 October 21

held at New Hunts House, Guys Hospital, London Bridge, London SE1

Richard Miles, President

Ron Johnson, Hazel Collett and Nick James, Secretaries

The President opened the 2007 Annual General Meeting and invited Dr Nick Hewitt to read the minutes of the previous AGM on the behalf of the Meetings Secretary. These were approved by the audience and duly signed. The President welcomed Mr David Freedman, of the Association's auditors, and Mr Roy Dowsett, its Accountant, to the Meeting, and then invited Dr David Boyd, Treasurer, to speak.

Dr Boyd reported that the Association's accounts had been published in its Journal in October. In summary, they showed an operational surplus of £11,909; financially, this had been the Association's strongest Session for several years. Dr Boyd invited questions from the audience, but there were none. He thus proposed that the accounts be adopted, and this motion was seconded and passed nem con.

The President expressed his thanks to Messrs Boyd, Dowsett and Freedman for once again ensuring the smooth running of the Association's financial affairs. He wished especially to thank Mr Dowsett, who would be retiring from his post as Accountant at the end of the calendar year. Members applauded. The President then proceeded to present his traditional Annual Report of the Association's activities.





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