Ordinary Meeting, 2007 October 21

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Ordinary Meeting, 2007 October 21

held at New Hunts House, Guys Hospital, London Bridge, London SE1

Roger Pickard, President

Ron Johnson, Hazel Collett and Nick James, Secretaries

Taking the chair from Dr Richard Miles, the new President opened the first meeting of the 118th Session and expressed his honour at having been elected to the post. Mrs Hazel Collett, Meetings Secretary, was invited to read the minutes of the final meeting of the previous Session, which were approved by the audience and duly signed. The President announced that 60 new members were proposed for election, and, in keeping with tradition, announced that their names would be displayed in the Association's Office. He noted, however, that the Office was currently closed for the duration of its move back into Burlington House. The election of the 82 new members who had been proposed at the previous meeting was put to members, and they were approved and declared duly elected. The President invited any new members present to introduce themselves at the end of the evening.

Mr Nick James, Papers Secretary, reported that three papers had been approved for publication in the Journal:


The President announced that the next Ordinary Meeting would be held on Saturday November 24 at 2.30pm at the Mermaid Centre in Blackfriars, London. Before then, a meeting of the Instruments and Imaging Section would be taking place in Northampton on November 17.

The President then invited Mr Sheridan Williams to present the evening's first talk.





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