Ordinary Meeting, 2008 October 29

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Ordinary Meeting, 2008 October 29

held at the Royal Astronomical Society, Burlington House, Piccadilly, London SE1

Roger Pickard, President

Ron Johnson, Hazel Collett and Nick James, Secretaries

The President opened the first meeting of the 119th Session and invited Dr Nick Hewitt to read the minutes of the final meeting of the previous Session on the behalf of the Meetings Secretary. These were approved by the audience and duly signed. It was announced that 58 new members were proposed for election, and those 18 new members who had been proposed at the previous meeting were approved by the audience and declared duly elected. Mr Nick James, Papers Secretary, reported that four papers had been approved for publication in the Journal:

[Check These]

The Opposition of Mars 2001, by Richard McKim

A history of the visual detection of materal..., by Richard Baum

A Schmitt-Cassegrain telescope remounted, by Martin Mobberley

Comet disruption, a statistical approach for nearly isotropic comets, by ???

The President announced that the next Ordinary Meeting would be held on Saturday November 22 at the present venue. Before then, the Association would be holding a Back to Basics workshop in York on November 1. The President then invited Mr Nick James to present this month's Sky Notes.





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