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Showing results 42451 to 42500 of 50064.


NORAD ID COSPAR ID Name Launch date Flight ended Status Destination Owner
NORAD ID COSPAR ID Name Launch date Flight ended Status Destination Owner
42451 1983-044GM COSMOS 1461 DEB 06 May 1983 10 Oct 2018 Decayed Commonwealth of Independent States (former USSR)
42452 1984-072N METEOR 2-11 DEB 04 Jul 1984 Commonwealth of Independent States (former USSR)
42453 1984-072P METEOR 2-11 DEB 04 Jul 1984 Commonwealth of Independent States (former USSR)
42454 1984-072Q METEOR 2-11 DEB 04 Jul 1984 Commonwealth of Independent States (former USSR)
42455 1984-072R METEOR 2-11 DEB 04 Jul 1984 Commonwealth of Independent States (former USSR)
42456 1984-072S METEOR 2-11 DEB 04 Jul 1984 Commonwealth of Independent States (former USSR)
42457 1984-072T METEOR 2-11 DEB 04 Jul 1984 Commonwealth of Independent States (former USSR)
42458 2010-042Z CZ-3B DEB 03 Sep 2010 People's Republic of China
42459 2010-042AA CZ-3B DEB 03 Sep 2010 People's Republic of China
42460 2010-042AB CZ-3B DEB 03 Sep 2010 People's Republic of China
42461 2010-042AC CZ-3B DEB 03 Sep 2010 People's Republic of China
42462 2010-042AD CZ-3B DEB 03 Sep 2010 People's Republic of China
42463 2010-042AE CZ-3B DEB 03 Sep 2010 People's Republic of China
42464 2010-042AF CZ-3B DEB 03 Sep 2010 People's Republic of China
42465 2010-042AG CZ-3B DEB 03 Sep 2010 People's Republic of China
42466 2010-057BF CZ-3C DEB 30 Oct 2010 People's Republic of China
42467 2010-057BG CZ-3C DEB 30 Oct 2010 People's Republic of China
42468 2010-057BH CZ-3C DEB 30 Oct 2010 People's Republic of China
42469 2010-057BJ CZ-3C DEB 30 Oct 2010 People's Republic of China
42470 2010-057BK CZ-3C DEB 30 Oct 2010 People's Republic of China
42471 2011-077AL CZ-3B DEB 19 Dec 2011 People's Republic of China
42472 2011-077AM CZ-3B DEB 19 Dec 2011 People's Republic of China
42473 2011-077AN CZ-3B DEB 19 Dec 2011 People's Republic of China
42474 2011-077AP CZ-3B DEB 19 Dec 2011 People's Republic of China
42475 2011-077AQ CZ-3B DEB 19 Dec 2011 People's Republic of China
42476 2011-077AR CZ-3B DEB 19 Dec 2011 People's Republic of China
42477 2012-008AM CZ-3C DEB 24 Feb 2012 People's Republic of China
42478 2012-008AN CZ-3C DEB 24 Feb 2012 People's Republic of China
42479 2012-008AP CZ-3C DEB 24 Feb 2012 People's Republic of China
42480 2012-008AQ CZ-3C DEB 24 Feb 2012 People's Republic of China
42481 2012-008AR CZ-3C DEB 24 Feb 2012 People's Republic of China
42482 1989-006CJ ARIANE 2 DEB 27 Jan 1989 France
42483 1989-006CK ARIANE 2 DEB 27 Jan 1989 France
42484 1989-006CL ARIANE 2 DEB 27 Jan 1989 France
42485 1989-006CM ARIANE 2 DEB 27 Jan 1989 France
42486 1989-006CN ARIANE 2 DEB 27 Jan 1989 France
42487 1989-006CP ARIANE 2 DEB 27 Jan 1989 France
42488 1989-006CQ ARIANE 2 DEB 27 Jan 1989 France
42489 1989-006CR ARIANE 2 DEB 27 Jan 1989 France
42490 1970-025QU THORAD AGENA D DEB 07 Apr 1970 United States
42491 1970-025QV THORAD AGENA D DEB 07 Apr 1970 United States
42492 1970-025QW THORAD AGENA D DEB 07 Apr 1970 United States
42493 1970-025QX THORAD AGENA D DEB 07 Apr 1970 United States
42494 1970-025QY THORAD AGENA D DEB 07 Apr 1970 United States
42495 1970-025QZ THORAD AGENA D DEB 07 Apr 1970 United States
42496 1970-025RA THORAD AGENA D DEB 07 Apr 1970 United States
42497 1970-025RB THORAD AGENA D DEB 07 Apr 1970 United States
42498 1970-025RC THORAD AGENA D DEB 07 Apr 1970 United States
42499 1970-025RD THORAD AGENA D DEB 07 Apr 1970 United States
42500 1970-025RE THORAD AGENA D DEB 07 Apr 1970 United States





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