Insertion commands

i = insert mode
a = insert mode (start at end of line)
I = insert mode (start at beginning of line)
o = begin insert on new line
R = overwrite mode
ESC = Command mode
: = Last Line Command mode
u = undo the last action to this file

Deletion commands

x = Delete char under cursor
dd = Delete line
dw = delete to end of word
d<return> = current line and next
d0 = delete to beginning of line
D = delete to end of line
d)/d( = delete to end/beginning of sentence
d}/d{ = delete to end/beginning of paragraph
ndd = delete next n lines
rc = overwrite current char with c
~ = Change case
. = repeat last command


0/$$ = beginning and end of line
1G/G = beginning and end of file
nG = nth line in file
{/} = forward/back one paragraph
(/) = forward/back one sentence
H/M = beginning/middle of screen
CTRL-F/B = Forwards/Backwards one page
w/W = Next word
b/B = Previous word
/<string> = find <string> in file (forwards)
/?<string> = find <string> in file (backwards)

Reformatting text

{gq} reformats text of one paragraph.

File I/O commands

:w = Save
:wq = Save and quit
ZZ = Save and quit
:q! = Quit w/o saving
:e <file> = Edit another file
:! <Command> = Shell command
:r <file> = insert a file into the current one

Buffer commands

y_ = yank [_ = usual commands. e.g. 0 = beginning of current line, etc]
Y = yank to end of current line
p = put buffer contents in after current line
p = put buffer contents in before current line
"[a-z]y = yank text into buffer a-z
"[a-z]p = put text from buffer a-z
"[a-z]d = delete text and put into buffer a-z
NB: The last three commands can be qualified as usual. e.g. y) = to end of sentance.

Split screen

:split splits the screen in two
CTRL-W [up/down arrow] changes between windows


When no text on line, use CTRL-T/D to use auto-indent feature.
CTRL-Q is the antidote to CTRL-S !!

Automatic line wrapping

:set wraplength=70 (or :set wl=70)
:set wraplength=0 (to turn off)
NB: This doesn't work in vim - use textwidth instead of wraplength
To get a command that wraps the current paragraph ('q' in command mode):
map q !}fmt^M
(use ctrl-V ctrl-M to get ^M)





Color scheme