Guides to the night sky
The Arp's catalog of peculiar galaxies in Cetus
Home Your Sky Object catalogs Arp's catalog of peculiar galaxies
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Arp 4
Galaxy cluster
Arp 8
Arp 10
Arp 19
Arp 37
Cetus A
Arp 50
Arp 51
Arp 54
Arp 59
Arp 67
Arp 75
Arp 100
Arp 118
Arp 121
Arp 127
Arp 133
Minkowski's Object
Arp 140
Arp 144
Arp 146
Arp 147
Arp 230
Arp 231
Arp 236
Arp 251
Arp 256
Arp 308
Arp 309
Arp 318
Latitude: Longitude: Timezone:
41.14°N 73.26°W EDT
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Light Night mode