Ordinary Meeting and Exhibition Meeting, 2005 June 25


The Steavenson Medal and Award

Mr Boles announced that the Steavenson Medal and Award were this year to be presented to Mr John Fletcher. A member since 1984, Mr Fletcher had contributed many notable observations to the Association over the years, amongst them, being the fourth member to visually recover Comet Halley upon its 1986 return. It was also noted that his photographic nova/supernova patrol work, whilst yet to bring him a discovery, with the aid of new automated software, might yet bring him a discovery before 2005 was out. His work in the public promotion of astronomy, including many appearances on the BBC's Sky at Night and other television programmes, was also commended. It therefore gave the President great pleasure to welcome Mr Fletcher to come forward to receive his award.

Following the applause, Mr Fletcher said that he saw the award as a wonderful compliment, expressing the very great honour that he felt in receiving it. He wished to take the opportunity to thank all those members who had helped him over the years, especially those section directors, past and present, who had taught him so much about the art of observing, and whose contribution to his work was not to be forgotten.





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