Guides to the night sky
The Lynds' catalogue of bright nebulae in Perseus
Home Your Sky Object catalogs Lynds' catalogue of bright nebulae
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LBN 601
HII region
LBN 640
LBN 653
LBN 679
LBN 680
LBN 685
LBN 686
LBN 704
LBN 705
LBN 706
LBN 709
LBN 710
LBN 712
LBN 713
LBN 714
LBN 716
LBN 717
LBN 718
LBN 719
LBN 720
LBN 721
LBN 722
LBN 724
LBN 731
LBN 734
LBN 735
LBN 736
LBN 737
LBN 738
LBN 741
LBN 742
LBN 744
LBN 748
LBN 749
LBN 752
LBN 756
California Nebula
LBN 757
LBN 758
Open cluster
LBN 766
LBN 767
Latitude: Longitude: Timezone:
42.38°N 71.11°W EDT
Color scheme
Light Night mode