© NASA/Galileo 1993. Pictured asteroid is 243 Ida.

Asteroid 887 Alinda at opposition

Dominic Ford, Editor
From the Asteroids feed

Objects: 887 Alinda
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The sky at

Asteroid 887 Alinda will be well placed, lying in the constellation Gemini, well above the horizon for much of the night.

Regardless of your location on the Earth, 887 Alinda will reach its highest point in the sky around midnight local time.

From Cambridge, it will be visible in the evening sky, becoming accessible around 17:46 (EDT), 26° above your eastern horizon, as dusk fades to darkness. It will then reach its highest point in the sky at 23:02, 76° above your southern horizon. It will continue to be observable until around 04:44, when it sinks below 21° above your western horizon.

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The geometry of the alignment

This optimal positioning occurs when it makes its closest approach to the point in the sky directly opposite to the Sun – an event termed opposition. Since the Sun reaches its greatest distance below the horizon at midnight, the point opposite to it is highest in the sky at the same time.

At around the same time that 887 Alinda passes opposition, it also makes its closest approach to the Earth – termed its perigee – making it appear at its brightest in the night sky. This happens because when 887 Alinda lies opposite to the Sun in the night sky, the solar system is lined up so that 887 Alinda, the Earth and the Sun lie in a straight line with the Earth in the middle, on the same side of the Sun as 887 Alinda.

On this occasion, 887 Alinda will pass within 0.091 AU of us, reaching a peak brightness of magnitude 9.5. Nonetheless, even at its brightest, 887 Alinda is a faint object beyond the reach of the naked eye; binoculars or a telescope of moderate aperture are needed.

Finding 887 Alinda

The chart below indicates the path of 887 Alinda across the sky around the time of opposition.

It was produced using StarCharter and is available for download, either on dark background, in PNG, PDF or SVG formats, or on a light background, in PNG, PDF or SVG formats.

The position of 887 Alinda at the moment of opposition will be as follows:

Object Right Ascension Declination Constellation Magnitude
Asteroid 887 Alinda 06h57m30s 28°46'N Gemini 9.5

The coordinates above are given in J2000.0.

The sky on 14 Jan 2025

The sky on 14 January 2025
Twilight ends
Twilight begins

15-day old moon
Waning Gibbous


15 days old

Rise Culm. Set
Mercury 06:16 10:45 15:14
Venus 09:22 14:58 20:34
Moon 16:05 00:10 08:03
Mars 16:21 00:06 07:50
Jupiter 13:17 20:46 04:14
Saturn 09:40 15:15 20:50
All times shown in EST.


The circumstances of this event were computed from orbital elements made available by Ted Bowell of the Lowell Observatory. The conversion to geocentric coordinates was performed using the position of the Earth recorded in the DE430 ephemeris published by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL).

The star chart above shows the positions and magnitudes of stars as they appear in the Tycho catalogue. The data was reduced by the author and plotted using PyXPlot. A gnomonic projection of the sky has been used; celestial coordinates are indicated in the J2000.0 coordinate system.

Image credit

© NASA/Galileo 1993. Pictured asteroid is 243 Ida.





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