© Erich Karkoschka (University of Arizona), NASA/ESA

Equinox on Saturn

Dominic Ford, Editor
From the Outer Planets feed

Objects: Saturn
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The changing seasons on Saturn will pass an equinox, meaning that the Sun will appear to pass over the planet's equator.

This means that Saturn's rings will appear very close to edge-on as viewed from the Earth. Our line of sight to Saturn is very closely aligned with the line between the Sun and Saturn, because Saturn's distance from the Sun and Earth is more than nine times greater than the distance between the Earth and Sun. So, when the Sun shines down on Saturn's equator, this is also the direction from which we view the planet.

Saturn's rings are closely aligned with its equator, and are no more than a kilometer thick, despite stretching for tens of thousands of kilometers around the planet. When they are viewed edge-on, they can become so thin as to be incredibly hard to see.

This configuration arises twice within each orbit that Saturn makes around the Sun, just as the Earth has two equinoxes each year. However, as Saturn takes nearly 30 years to orbit the Sun, its equinoxes only occur once every 15 years.

The position of Saturn at the moment of its equinox will be:

Object Right Ascension Declination Constellation Angular Size
Saturn 23h30m50s 5°44'S Aquarius 19.2"
Sun 12h58m 6°17'S Virgo 32'01"

The coordinates above are given in J2000.0.

The sky on 6 Mar 2025

The sky on 6 March 2025
Twilight ends
Twilight begins

6-day old moon
Waxing Gibbous


6 days old

Rise Culm. Set
Mercury 06:43 12:58 19:12
Venus 06:26 13:10 19:54
Moon 09:49 17:57 02:10
Mars 12:13 20:01 03:49
Jupiter 09:59 17:28 00:58
Saturn 06:32 12:15 17:59
All times shown in EST.


The circumstances of this event were computed using the DE430 planetary ephemeris published by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL).

This event was automatically generated by searching the ephemeris for planetary alignments which are of interest to amateur astronomers, and the text above was generated based on an estimate of your location.

Related news

09 Oct 2054  –  Equinox on Saturn
23 Nov 2054  –  Saturn ends retrograde motion
01 Feb 2055  –  Saturn ring plane crossing
21 Jul 2055  –  Saturn enters retrograde motion

Image credit

© Erich Karkoschka (University of Arizona), NASA/ESA





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