Astronomical Calendar for 2017



1 Conjunction of Mars and Neptune
Close approach of Mars and Neptune
The cluster Messier 41 is well placed
2 Close approach of the Moon and Venus
Conjunction of the Moon and Venus
Close approach of the Moon and Neptune
Lunar occultation of Neptune
3 Close approach of the Moon and Mars
Lunar occultation of Mars
Conjunction of the Moon and Mars
Quadrantid meteor shower 2017
4 The Earth at perihelion
5 Moon at First Quarter
7 134340 Pluto at solar conjunction
9 Supernova SN2017jd discovered
Close approach of the Moon and Collinder 50
Lunar occultation of Aldebaran
12 Full Moon
Venus at greatest elongation east
Close approach of Venus and Neptune
Conjunction of Venus and Neptune
13 Mercury at dichotomy
14 Venus at dichotomy
The cluster Messier 47 is well placed
NGC 2403 is well placed
Lunar occultation of Regulus
17 Asteroid 4 Vesta at opposition
The cluster NGC 2451 is well placed
18 Conjunction of Ceres and Eris
19 γ-Ursae Minorid meteor shower 2017
Conjunction of the Moon and Jupiter
Close approach of the Moon and Jupiter
13 Mercury at highest altitude in morning sky
19 Mercury at greatest elongation west
Moon at Last Quarter
20 The cluster NGC 2516 is well placed
23 The cluster NGC 2547 is well placed
24 Conjunction of the Moon and Saturn
Close approach of the Moon and Saturn
25 Conjunction of the Moon and Mercury
27 New Moon
29 Conjunction of Mercury and Pluto
30 Lunar occultation of Neptune
The Beehive cluster is well placed
31 Conjunction of the Moon and Venus
Close approach of the Moon and Venus
The Omicron Velorum cluster is well placed
The cluster IC 2395 is well placed
Conjunction of the Moon and Mars
Close approach of the Moon and Mars

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