Astronomical Calendar for 2024



1 New Moon
2 Pheonicid meteor shower 2024
The Moon at perihelion
4 Conjunction of the Moon and Venus
Close approach of the Moon and Venus
5 December φ-Cassiopeid meteor shower 2024
Mercury at inferior solar conjunction
6 Jupiter at perigee
Mercury at perihelion
Puppid-Velid meteor shower 2024
Mars enters retrograde motion
7 Jupiter at opposition
Neptune ends retrograde motion
8 Close approach of the Moon and Saturn
Lunar occultation of Saturn
Conjunction of the Moon and Saturn
Moon at First Quarter
Monocerotid meteor shower 2024
Conjunction of Venus and Ceres
9 Lunar occultation of Neptune
11 σ-Hydrid meteor shower 2024
12 The Moon at perigee
The Large Magellanic Cloud is well placed
13 Close approach of the Moon and M45
14 Geminid meteor shower 2024
The Moon at aphelion
Close approach of the Moon and Jupiter
Conjunction of the Moon and Jupiter
Asteroid 15 Eunomia at opposition
The Running Man cluster is well placed
The Orion Nebula is well placed
15 Lunar occultation of Beta Tauri
Full Moon
Comae Berenicid meteor shower 2024
18 Conjunction of the Moon and Mars
Close approach of the Moon and Mars
Lunar occultation of Mars
19 December Leonis Minorid meteor shower 2024
20 Mercury at dichotomy
21 December solstice
22 Ursid meteor shower 2024
Moon at Last Quarter
24 The Moon at apogee
Lunar occultation of Spica
22 Mercury at highest altitude in morning sky
25 Mercury at greatest elongation west
28 Lunar occultation of Antares
The cluster NGC 2232 is well placed
Conjunction of the Moon and Mercury
29 The Rosette Nebula is well placed
30 The Moon at perihelion
New Moon

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