Guides to the night sky
The Bright star catalogue in Antlia
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HR 3756
HR 3765
HR 3766
HR 3770
HR 3780
HR 3781
HR 3789
HR 3790
HR 3798
S Ant
HR 3812
HR 3823
HR 3828
HR 3830
HR 3833
HR 3835
HR 3844
HR 3867
HR 3871
HR 3874
HR 3878
HR 3892
HR 3897
HR 3916
HR 3932
HR 3933
HR 3947
HR 3956
HR 3968
HR 3972
HR 3984
HR 3992
HR 4003
HR 4013
HR 4015
HR 4019
HR 4029
HR 4049
AG Ant
HR 4053
HR 4083
HR 4086
HR 4104
HR 4118
HR 4153
U Ant
HR 4183
HR 4194
HR 4238
HR 4273
HR 4313
Latitude: Longitude: Timezone:
47.61°N 122.33°W PDT
Color scheme
Light Night mode