Guides to the night sky
The New General Catalogue (NGC) in Cepheus
Home Your Sky Object catalogs New General Catalogue (NGC)
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NGC 40
Planetary nebula
Bow Tie Nebula
NGC 188
Open cluster
NGC 1184
NGC 1544
NGC 2276
NGC 2300
NGC 6939
NGC 6949
NGC 6951
NGC 6952
NGC 6953
NGC 7023
Iris Nebula
NGC 7055
NGC 7076
NGC 7129
Small Cluster Nebula
NGC 7133
NGC 7139
NGC 7142
NGC 7160
NGC 7226
NGC 7234
NGC 7235
NGC 7261
NGC 7281
NGC 7352
NGC 7354
NGC 7380
Wizard Nebula
NGC 7419
NGC 7423
NGC 7429
NGC 7510
NGC 7538
NGC 7708
NGC 7748
NGC 7762
NGC 7822
HII region
Latitude: Longitude: Timezone:
42.38°N 71.11°W EDT
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Light Night mode