Guides to the night sky
The Collinder catalog in Scorpius
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Cr 301
Open cluster
Cr 302
Antares Cluster
Cr 308
Cr 309
Cr 314
Cr 315
Table of Scorpius
Cr 316
Cr 317
Cr 318
Cr 319
Cr 322
Cr 323
Cr 324
Cr 325
Cr 326
Cr 332
Cr 333
Cr 334
Cr 335
Cr 336
Cr 337
Cr 338
Cr 339
Cr 340
Cr 341
Butterfly Cluster
Cr 342
Cr 343
Cr 344
Cr 345
Cr 348
Cr 352
Tom Thumb Cluster
Cr 354
Ptolemy's Cluster
Cr 355
Latitude: Longitude: Timezone:
42.38°N 71.11°W EST
Color scheme
Light Night mode