The Constellation Bootes

by Dominic Ford
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Boötes is a large northern constellation, dominated by the fourth brightest star in the whole sky, Arcturus.

Visible in the months around May, it is also home to a further six stars that are brighter than fourth magnitude, and nearly thirty that are visible to the naked eye from a dark site.

It lies well away from the plane of the Milky Way and so does not contain any bright open clusters.

It is, however, home to the ninth-magnitude globular cluster NGC 5466 as well as many faint galaxies.

Boötes is identified as a herdsman, but the origin of his name is unclear. He is commonly represented as Arcas, the son of Zeus and Callisto, who features in the story of Ursa Major the great bear.

Date First Appeared
Sky Area
2.2% of the sky
906.8 square degrees
Messier Objects
Bootes contains no Messier objects
Caldwell Objects
Bootes contains the following Caldwell object: C45.
The following constellations neighbor Bootes: Canes Venatici, Coma Berenices, Corona Borealis, Draco, Hercules, Serpens Caput, Ursa Major, Virgo.
Bootes Bootes
The constellation Bootes as it appears to the unaided eye. Roll mouse over to see labels.
Source: Stellarium.




Color scheme

Brightest Objects in Bootes

Hover the pointer over the name of an object to highlight its position on the starchart to the right, or click to see more information.

Stars Open Clusters Globular Clusters Galaxies
Arcturus (mag 0.2) NGC 5466 (mag 9.2) NGC 5248 (mag 10.2)
HIP 72105 (mag 2.5) NGC 5557 (mag 11.0)
Muphrid (mag 2.7) NGC 5676 (mag 11.2)
Izar (mag 2.7) IC 1029 (mag 11.3)
Seginus (mag 3.0) NGC 5582 (mag 11.6)
δ-Boo (mag 3.5) NGC 5614 (mag 11.7)
Nekkar (mag 3.5) NGC 5687 (mag 11.7)
ρ-Boo (mag 3.6) NGC 5689 (mag 11.8)
υ-Boo (mag 4.0) NGC 5533 (mag 11.8)
θ-Boo (mag 4.1) NGC 5529 (mag 11.9)
λ-Boo (mag 4.2) NGC 5660 (mag 11.9)
Alkalurops (mag 4.3) NGC 5532 (mag 11.9)
ζ-Boo (mag 4.4) IC 983 (mag 12.0)
ζ-Boo (mag 4.5) NGC 5673 (mag 12.2)
σ-Boo (mag 4.5) NGC 5629 (mag 12.2)
τ-Boo (mag 4.5) NGC 5653 (mag 12.2)
κ²-Boo (mag 4.5) NGC 5966 (mag 12.2)
ψ-Boo (mag 4.5) NGC 5899 (mag 12.3)
HIP 71795 (mag 4.5) NGC 5546 (mag 12.3)
O-Boo (mag 4.6) NGC 5600 (mag 12.4)
ε-Boo (mag 4.7) NGC 5656 (mag 12.4)
ξ-Boo (mag 4.7) NGC 5859 (mag 12.4)
ι-Boo (mag 4.7) NGC 5633 (mag 12.5)
ω-Boo (mag 4.8) NGC 5874 (mag 12.5)
A-Boo (mag 4.8) NGC 5820 (mag 12.5)
d-Boo (mag 4.8) NGC 5602 (mag 12.5)
W Boo (mag 4.8) NGC 5623 (mag 12.5)
20-Boo (mag 4.8) NGC 5930 (mag 12.5)
31-Boo (mag 4.9) NGC 5684 (mag 12.7)
π¹-Boo (mag 4.9) NGC 5520 (mag 12.8)
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