Objects in your sky: Comets

by Dominic Ford


Oct 14 – 8P/Tuttle at perihelion[chart]
Nov 07 – 2P/Encke at perihelion[chart]
Nov 14 – 96P/Machholz at perihelion[chart]
Nov 25 – 46P/Wirtanen at perihelion[chart]
Nov 30 – 210P/Christensen at perihelion[chart]
Dec 21 – 19P/Borrelly at perihelion[chart]


Oct 18 – 104P/Kowal at perihelion[chart]


Jan 28 – 15P/Finlay at perihelion[chart]
May 22 – 88P/Howell at perihelion[chart]


Sep 14 – 10P/Tempel at perihelion[chart]


Feb 27 – 2P/Encke at perihelion[chart]
Nov 29 – 45P/Honda-Mrkos-Pajdusakova at perihelion[chart]


Mar 07 – 24P/Schaumasse at perihelion[chart]


Feb 23 – 96P/Machholz at perihelion[chart]
Mar 05 – 1P/Halley at perihelion[chart]


Apr 29 – 26P/Grigg-Skjellerup at perihelion[chart]
Jun 18 – 2P/Encke at perihelion[chart]
Oct 29 – 19P/Borrelly at perihelion[chart]
Nov 13 – 88P/Howell at perihelion[chart]


Jun 14 – 66P/duToit at perihelion[chart]
Aug 26 – 15P/Finlay at perihelion[chart]
Nov 19 – 141P/Machholz at perihelion[chart]


Jul 09 – 71P/Clark at perihelion[chart]


Apr 04 – 45P/Honda-Mrkos-Pajdusakova at perihelion[chart]
Jun 18 – 22P/Kopff at perihelion[chart]
Oct 07 – 2P/Encke at perihelion[chart]
Oct 19 – 185P/Petriew at perihelion[chart]


Jun 04 – 96P/Machholz at perihelion[chart]
Oct 09 – 46P/Wirtanen at perihelion[chart]


Jul 22 – 37P/Forbes at perihelion[chart]
Aug 03 – 21P/Giacobini-Zinner at perihelion[chart]
Dec 01 – 154P/Brewington at perihelion[chart]


Jan 20 – 62P/Tsuchinshan at perihelion[chart]
May 06 – 88P/Howell at perihelion[chart]


Jan 25 – 2P/Encke at perihelion[chart]
May 30 – 8P/Tuttle at perihelion[chart]
Jun 04 – 10P/Tempel at perihelion[chart]


Mar 24 – 15P/Finlay at perihelion[chart]
Aug 04 – 58P/Jackson-Neujmin at perihelion[chart]
Aug 08 – 45P/Honda-Mrkos-Pajdusakova at perihelion[chart]
Aug 08 – 73P/Schwassmann-Wachmann at perihelion[chart]


Sep 12 – 96P/Machholz at perihelion[chart]


Mar 16 – 46P/Wirtanen at perihelion[chart]
Mar 30 – C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp) at perihelion[chart]
Apr 18 – 81P/Wild at perihelion[chart]
May 16 – 2P/Encke at perihelion[chart]


Feb 09 – 55P/Tempel-Tuttle at perihelion[chart]
Oct 28 – 88P/Howell at perihelion[chart]


Jan 15 – 104P/Kowal at perihelion[chart]
Oct 13 – 10P/Tempel at perihelion[chart]


Sep 04 – 2P/Encke at perihelion[chart]
Dec 10 – 45P/Honda-Mrkos-Pajdusakova at perihelion[chart]


Oct 20 – 15P/Finlay at perihelion[chart]
Dec 23 – 96P/Machholz at perihelion[chart]


Nov 11 – 58P/Jackson-Neujmin at perihelion[chart]
Dec 25 – 2P/Encke at perihelion[chart]


Apr 19 – 88P/Howell at perihelion[chart]
Oct 15 – 104P/Kowal at perihelion[chart]
Oct 28 – 78P/Gehrels at perihelion[chart]
Dec 03 – 141P/Machholz at perihelion[chart]


Aug 24 – 21P/Giacobini-Zinner at perihelion[chart]


Apr 15 – 45P/Honda-Mrkos-Pajdusakova at perihelion[chart]
Jun 04 – 73P/Schwassmann-Wachmann at perihelion[chart]
Sep 03 – 177P/Barnard at perihelion[chart]


Apr 03 – 96P/Machholz at perihelion[chart]
Apr 15 – 2P/Encke at perihelion[chart]


Jan 13 – 8P/Tuttle at perihelion[chart]
Jan 28 – 46P/Wirtanen at perihelion[chart]
Apr 09 – 26P/Grigg-Skjellerup at perihelion[chart]
May 18 – 15P/Finlay at perihelion[chart]
Dec 22 – 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko at perihelion[chart]


Apr 18 – C/2009 G1 (STEREO) at perihelion[chart]
Jul 06 – 22P/Kopff at perihelion[chart]
Sep 19 – 217P/LINEAR at perihelion[chart]
Oct 11 – 88P/Howell at perihelion[chart]


Feb 15 – 81P/Wild at perihelion[chart]
Jul 03 – 10P/Tempel at perihelion[chart]
Aug 04 – 2P/Encke at perihelion[chart]


Aug 19 – 45P/Honda-Mrkos-Pajdusakova at perihelion[chart]


Jul 12 – 96P/Machholz at perihelion[chart]
Oct 23 – 168P/Hergenrother at perihelion[chart]


Nov 22 – 2P/Encke at perihelion[chart]
Dec 09 – 154P/Brewington at perihelion[chart]


Dec 15 – 15P/Finlay at perihelion[chart]


Apr 04 – 88P/Howell at perihelion[chart]


Dec 22 – 45P/Honda-Mrkos-Pajdusakova at perihelion[chart]


Mar 13 – 2P/Encke at perihelion[chart]
Apr 10 – 41P/Tuttle-Giacobini-Kresak at perihelion[chart]
Jun 21 – 71P/Clark at perihelion[chart]
Sep 09 – 1I/`Oumuamua at perihelion[chart]
Oct 21 – 96P/Machholz at perihelion[chart]


Sep 14 – 21P/Giacobini-Zinner at perihelion[chart]
Nov 13 – 38P/Stephan-Oterma at perihelion[chart]
Nov 30 – C/2018 L2 (ATLAS) at perihelion[chart]
Dec 03 – C/2018 V1 (Machholz-Fujikawa-Iwamoto) at perihelion[chart]
Dec 11 – 46P/Wirtanen at perihelion[chart]


Feb 04 – C/2018 Y1 (Iwamoto) at perihelion[chart]
Jun 08 – C/2018 R3 (Lemmon) at perihelion[chart]
Aug 09 – 168P/Hergenrother at perihelion[chart]
Sep 05 – C/2018 W2 (Africano) at perihelion[chart]
Sep 11 – 260P/McNaught at perihelion[chart]
Nov 11 – C/2018 N2 (ASASSN) at perihelion[chart]
Dec 08 – 2I/Borisov at perihelion[chart]


May 05 – C/2017 T2 (PANSTARRS) at perihelion[chart]
May 27 – 58P/Jackson-Neujmin at perihelion[chart]
Jun 18 – C/2019 U6 (Lemmon) at perihelion[chart]
Jul 02 – 2P/Encke at perihelion[chart]
Jul 04 – C/2020 F3 (NEOWISE) at perihelion[chart]
Aug 14 – C/2020 Q1 (Borisov) at perihelion[chart]
Sep 15 – C/2020 K8 (Catalina-ATLAS) at perihelion[chart]
Sep 25 – 88P/Howell at perihelion[chart]
Oct 20 – C/2020 P1 (NEOWISE) at perihelion[chart]
Oct 25 – C/2020 M3 (ATLAS) at perihelion[chart]
Nov 30 – C/2019 N1 (ATLAS) at perihelion[chart]
Dec 11 – C/2020 S3 (Erasmus) at perihelion[chart]
Dec 17 – 141P/Machholz at perihelion[chart]
Dec 27 – 398P/Boattini at perihelion[chart]


Jan 22 – C/2021 A2 (NEOWISE) at perihelion[chart]
Feb 27 – C/2021 D1 (SWAN) at perihelion[chart]
Mar 02 – C/2020 R4 (ATLAS) at perihelion[chart]
Mar 23 – 10P/Tempel at perihelion[chart]
Jul 10 – C/2020 T2 (Palomar) at perihelion[chart]
Jul 13 – 15P/Finlay at perihelion[chart]
Aug 28 – 8P/Tuttle at perihelion[chart]
Sep 09 – 4P/Faye at perihelion[chart]
Nov 02 – 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko at perihelion[chart]


Jan 03 – C/2021 A1 (Leonard) at perihelion[chart]
Jan 09 – C/2019 L3 (ATLAS) at perihelion[chart]
Jan 12 – 104P/Kowal at perihelion[chart]
Feb 02 – 19P/Borrelly at perihelion[chart]
Mar 18 – 22P/Kopff at perihelion[chart]
Apr 06 – C/2021 F1 (Lemmon-PANSTARRS) at perihelion[chart]
Apr 27 – 45P/Honda-Mrkos-Pajdusakova at perihelion[chart]
Jun 11 – C/2021 E3 (ZTF) at perihelion[chart]
Jul 30 – C/2021 P4 (ATLAS) at perihelion[chart]
Aug 28 – 73P/Schwassmann-Wachmann at perihelion[chart]
Nov 24 – 118P/Shoemaker-Levy at perihelion[chart]
Nov 28 – C/2022 P1 (NEOWISE) at perihelion[chart]
Dec 15 – 81P/Wild at perihelion[chart]
Dec 19 – C/2017 K2 (PANSTARRS) at perihelion[chart]


Jan 12 – C/2022 E3 (ZTF) at perihelion[chart]
Jan 14 – C/2022 U2 (ATLAS) at perihelion[chart]
Jan 23 – 71P/Clark at perihelion[chart]
Jan 31 – 96P/Machholz at perihelion[chart]
Feb 18 – C/2022 A2 (PANSTARRS) at perihelion[chart]
May 08 – C/2020 V2 (ZTF) at perihelion[chart]
Jul 01 – C/2023 E1 (ATLAS) at perihelion[chart]
Jul 31 – C/2021 T4 (Lemmon) at perihelion[chart]
Sep 17 – C/2023 P1 (Nishimura) at perihelion[chart]
Oct 22 – 2P/Encke at perihelion[chart]
Oct 29 – C/2023 H2 (Lemmon) at perihelion[chart]
Dec 25 – 62P/Tsuchinshan at perihelion[chart]


Jan 19 – C/2023 S3 (Lemmon) at perihelion[chart]
Jan 25 – 144P/Kushida at perihelion[chart]
Feb 14 – C/2021 S3 (PANSTARRS) at perihelion[chart]
Apr 21 – 12P/Pons-Brooks at perihelion[chart]
May 19 – 46P/Wirtanen at perihelion[chart]
May 30 – C/2023 V4 (Camarasa-Duszanowicz) at perihelion[chart]
Jun 13 – 154P/Brewington at perihelion[chart]
Jun 30 – 13P/Olbers at perihelion[chart]
Sep 27 – C/2023 A3 (Tsuchinshan-ATLAS) at perihelion[chart]
Nov 29 – 333P/LINEAR at perihelion[chart]


Mar 25 – 21P/Giacobini-Zinner at perihelion[chart]
Nov 22 – 210P/Christensen at perihelion[chart]
Dec 19 – 240P/NEAT at perihelion[chart]


Jan 08 – 24P/Schaumasse at perihelion[chart]
Mar 18 – 88P/Howell at perihelion[chart]
Apr 22 – 141P/Machholz at perihelion[chart]
Jun 25 – 78P/Gehrels at perihelion[chart]
Aug 02 – 10P/Tempel at perihelion[chart]
Nov 12 – 69P/Taylor at perihelion[chart]
Nov 28 – 161P/Hartley-IRAS at perihelion[chart]


Feb 10 – 2P/Encke at perihelion[chart]
Aug 30 – 45P/Honda-Mrkos-Pajdusakova at perihelion[chart]
Oct 12 – 104P/Kowal at perihelion[chart]


Jan 26 – 73P/Schwassmann-Wachmann at perihelion[chart]
Feb 09 – 15P/Finlay at perihelion[chart]
Feb 16 – 41P/Tuttle-Giacobini-Kresak at perihelion[chart]
Apr 08 – 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko at perihelion[chart]
May 11 – 96P/Machholz at perihelion[chart]
Jul 24 – 22P/Kopff at perihelion[chart]
Aug 26 – 71P/Clark at perihelion[chart]
Sep 03 – 58P/Jackson-Neujmin at perihelion[chart]
Dec 07 – 108P/Ciffreo at perihelion[chart]
Dec 10 – 19P/Borrelly at perihelion[chart]
Dec 25 – 185P/Petriew at perihelion[chart]


Jan 09 – 118P/Shoemaker-Levy at perihelion[chart]
Jan 19 – 116P/Wild at perihelion[chart]
Mar 21 – 26P/Grigg-Skjellerup at perihelion[chart]
May 15 – 81P/Wild at perihelion[chart]
Oct 25 – 46P/Wirtanen at perihelion[chart]

The position of each comet is calculated from orbital elements published by the Minor Planet Center (MPC).

The brightnesses of comets are estimated from magnitude parameters published by the BAA Comet Section, where these are available. These are computed from the observations they receive from amateur astronomers.

Comets are intrinsically highly unpredictable objects, since their brightness depends on the scattering of sunlight from dust particles in the comet's coma and tail. This dust is continually streaming away from the comet's nucleus, and its density at any particular time is governed by the rate of sublimation of the ice in the comet's nucleus, as it is heated by the Sun's rays. It also depends on the amount of dust that is mixed in with that ice. This is very difficult to predict in advance, and can be highly variable even between successive apparitions of the same comet.

In consequence, while the future positions of comets are usually known with a high degree of confidence, their future brightnesses are not. For most comets, we do not publish any magnitude estimates at all. For the few comets where we do make estimates, we generally prefer the BAA's magnitude parameters to those published by the Minor Planet Center, since they are typically updated more often.
