Guides to the night sky
The New General Catalogue (NGC) in Cygnus
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NGC 6764
NGC 6766
NGC 6783
NGC 6798
NGC 6801
NGC 6811
Open cluster
Hole in a Cluster
NGC 6819
NGC 6824
NGC 6826
Planetary nebula
Blinking Planetary
NGC 6832
NGC 6833
NGC 6834
NGC 6846
NGC 6847
NGC 6856
NGC 6857
HII region
NGC 6866
NGC 6871
NGC 6874
NGC 6881
NGC 6883
NGC 6884
NGC 6888
Crescent Nebula
NGC 6894
Little Ring Nebula
NGC 6895
NGC 6896
Double star
NGC 6910
NGC 6913
Cooling Tower
NGC 6914
Reflection nebula
NGC 6916
NGC 6946
Fireworks Galaxy
NGC 6960
Supernova remnant
Western Veil Nebula
NGC 6974
NGC 6979
Pickering's Triangular Nebula
NGC 6989
NGC 6991
NGC 6992
NGC 6995
NGC 6996
NGC 6997
NGC 7000
North America Nebula
NGC 7008
Fetus Nebula
NGC 7011
NGC 7013
NGC 7024
NGC 7026
NGC 7027
NGC 7031
NGC 7037
NGC 7039
NGC 7044
NGC 7048
NGC 7050
NGC 7058
NGC 7062
NGC 7063
NGC 7067
NGC 7071
NGC 7082
NGC 7086
NGC 7092
NGC 7093
NGC 7114
NGC 7116
NGC 7127
NGC 7128
NGC 7143
NGC 7150
NGC 7175
Latitude: Longitude: Timezone:
42.38°N 71.11°W EDT
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Light Night mode