Guides to the night sky
The New General Catalogue (NGC) in Scorpius
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NGC 5998
Open cluster
NGC 6000
NGC 6072
Planetary nebula
NGC 6082
NGC 6093
Globular cluster
NGC 6121
NGC 6124
NGC 6139
NGC 6144
NGC 6153
NGC 6178
NGC 6192
NGC 6216
NGC 6222
NGC 6227
NGC 6231
Table of Scorpius
NGC 6242
NGC 6249
NGC 6256
NGC 6259
NGC 6268
NGC 6281
NGC 6302
Bug Nebula
NGC 6318
NGC 6322
NGC 6334
Supernova remnant
Cat's Paw Nebula
NGC 6335
NGC 6337
Cheerio Nebula
NGC 6354
NGC 6357
Lobster Nebula
NGC 6374
NGC 6380
NGC 6383
NGC 6388
NGC 6396
NGC 6400
NGC 6404
NGC 6405
Butterfly Cluster
NGC 6415
NGC 6416
NGC 6421
NGC 6425
NGC 6437
NGC 6441
NGC 6444
NGC 6451
Tom Thumb Cluster
NGC 6453
NGC 6455
NGC 6475
Ptolemy's Cluster
NGC 6480
NGC 6496
Latitude: Longitude: Timezone:
41.14°N 73.26°W EDT
Color scheme
Light Night mode