Astronomical Calendar for 2022



1 New Moon
The Sombrero Galaxy is well placed
2 Mercury at superior solar conjunction
3 Comet C/2021 F1 (Lemmon-PANSTARRS) reaches peak brightness
Lunar occultation of Uranus
4 Conjunction of Saturn and Mars
Messier 94 is well placed
Close approach of Saturn and Mars
5 The Jewel Box cluster is well placed
6 Comet C/2021 F1 (Lemmon-PANSTARRS) passes perihelion
7 The Moon at apogee
9 Moon at First Quarter
12 Conjunction of Jupiter and Neptune
13 Mercury at perihelion
Centaurus A is well placed
Omega Centauri is well placed
14 136199 Eris at solar conjunction
The Whirlpool Galaxy is well placed
16 Full Moon
Messier 83 is well placed
17 Messier 3 is well placed
18 Conjunction of Mercury and Uranus
The Moon at aphelion
19 Lunar occultation of Delta Scorpii
136108 Haumea at opposition
The Moon at perigee
21 Lunar occultation of Sigma Sagittarii
22 Lyrid meteor shower 2022
23 Moon at Last Quarter
Messier 101 is well placed
24 π-Puppid meteor shower 2022
Conjunction of the Moon and Saturn
Close approach of the Moon and Saturn
25 Mercury at dichotomy
Conjunction of the Moon and Mars
Close approach of the Moon and Mars
26 Conjunction of the Moon and Venus
27 Close approach of the Moon and Venus
Conjunction of the Moon and Jupiter
Close approach of the Moon and Jupiter
Comet 45P/Honda-Mrkos-Pajdusakova passes perihelion
Conjunction of Venus and Neptune
Close approach of Venus and Neptune
28 The Moon at perihelion
29 Asteroid 10 Hygiea at opposition
28 Mercury at highest altitude in evening sky
29 Mercury at greatest elongation east
30 Conjunction of Venus and Jupiter
New Moon
Partial solar eclipse
Close approach of Venus and Jupiter
1 The Moon at apogee
2 The Great Globular Cluster in Hercules is well placed
3 Messier 12 is well placed
4 Saturn enters retrograde motion
6 Asteroid 29 Amphitrite at opposition
Messier 10 is well placed
7 Moon at First Quarter
Messier 62 is well placed
10 Daytime Arietid meteor shower 2022
11 Comet C/2021 E3 (ZTF) passes perihelion
Conjunction of Venus and Uranus
Messier 92 is well placed
12 Lunar occultation of Delta Scorpii
14 Full Moon
The Moon at perigee
The Moon at aphelion
15 Lunar occultation of Sigma Sagittarii
16 Mercury at greatest elongation west
23 Mercury at highest altitude in morning sky
A parade of 7 planets in the morning sky
16 NGC 6388 is well placed
17 The Butterfly cluster is well placed
NGC 6397 is well placed
18 Conjunction of the Moon and Saturn
Close approach of the Moon and Saturn
The cluster IC 4665 is well placed
20 The Ptolemy cluster is well placed
Moon at Last Quarter
21 June solstice
Conjunction of the Moon and Jupiter
Mars at perihelion
Close approach of the Moon and Jupiter
22 Mercury at dichotomy
Conjunction of the Moon and Mars
Close approach of the Moon and Mars
Lunar occultation of Mars
23 The Lagoon Nebula is well placed
24 Close approach of the Moon and Uranus
Lunar occultation of Uranus
NGC 6541 is well placed
26 Close approach of the Moon and Venus
Conjunction of the Moon and Venus
27 Conjunction of the Moon and Mercury
June Bootid meteor shower 2022
28 Neptune enters retrograde motion
The Moon at perihelion
New Moon
29 The Moon at apogee
The cluster NGC 6633 is well placed
1 Asteroid 349 Dembowska at opposition
Conjunction of the Moon and Jupiter
Close approach of the Moon and Jupiter
2 Pheonicid meteor shower 2022
3 Neptune ends retrograde motion
5 Close approach of the Moon and Uranus
Lunar occultation of Uranus
6 December φ-Cassiopeid meteor shower 2022
The Moon at aphelion
7 Puppid-Velid meteor shower 2022
Full Moon
Close approach of the Moon and Mars
Lunar occultation of Mars
Conjunction of the Moon and Mars
8 Mars at opposition
9 Monocerotid meteor shower 2022
1 Ceres at perihelion
11 The Moon at apogee
12 σ-Hydrid meteor shower 2022
The Large Magellanic Cloud is well placed
14 Geminid meteor shower 2022
15 Comet 81P/Wild passes perihelion
The Running Man cluster is well placed
The Orion Nebula is well placed
16 Comae Berenicid meteor shower 2022
Moon at Last Quarter
19 Comet C/2017 K2 (PANSTARRS) passes perihelion
20 December Leonis Minorid meteor shower 2022
21 Lunar occultation of Delta Scorpii
Mercury at greatest elongation east
24 Mercury at highest altitude in evening sky
A parade of 7 planets in the evening sky
21 December solstice
22 Ursid meteor shower 2022
23 New Moon
The Moon at perihelion
24 The Moon at perigee
Conjunction of the Moon and Venus
Mercury at dichotomy
Conjunction of the Moon and Mercury
25 Venus at aphelion
26 Conjunction of the Moon and Saturn
Close approach of the Moon and Saturn
28 The cluster NGC 2232 is well placed
29 Conjunction of Venus and Mercury
Conjunction of the Moon and Jupiter
Close approach of the Moon and Jupiter
The Rosette Nebula is well placed
Moon at First Quarter

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