The Constellation Aquarius

by Dominic Ford
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Aquarius is the tenth largest constellation, visible just south of the celestial equator in the months around August.

It is one of the fainter zodiacal constellations, lacking any stars brighter than third magnitude, but does have a dozen stars of fourth magnitude. It is also home to the bright globular cluster M2.

Aquarius is usually depicted pouring water from a jar. The stream of water ends in the mouth of the southern fish, Piscis Austrinus, marked by the star Fomalhaut beneath Aquarius' feet. The meandering path of the stream itself is marked by a line of 20 faint stars.

He is usually identified as Ganymede, in classical mythology the wine-waiter to the gods and one of Zeus' many lovers.

Date First Appeared
Sky Area
2.4% of the sky
979.9 square degrees
Messier Objects
Aquarius contains the following Messier objects: M2, M72, M73.
Caldwell Objects
Aquarius contains the following Caldwell objects: C55, C63.
The following constellations neighbor Aquarius: Aquarius, Aquila, Capricornus, Cetus, Delphinus, Equuleus, Pegasus, Pisces, Piscis Austrinus, Sculptor.
Aquarius Aquarius
The constellation Aquarius as it appears to the unaided eye. Roll mouse over to see labels.
Source: Stellarium.




Color scheme

Brightest Objects in Aquarius

Hover the pointer over the name of an object to highlight its position on the starchart to the right, or click to see more information.

Stars Open Clusters Globular Clusters Galaxies
Sadalsuud (mag 2.9) Messier 2 (mag 6.6) NGC 7727 (mag 10.6)
Sadalmelik (mag 2.9) Messier 72 (mag 9.2) NGC 7184 (mag 11.0)
Skat (mag 3.3) NGC 7492 (mag 11.2) NGC 7606 (mag 11.0)
c²-Aqr (mag 3.7) NGC 7377 (mag 11.2)
λ-Aqr (mag 3.8) NGC 7723 (mag 11.2)
Albali (mag 3.8) NGC 7585 (mag 11.4)
Sadachbia (mag 3.9) NGC 7252 (mag 11.4)
b¹-Aqr (mag 4.0) NGC 7721 (mag 11.7)
η-Aqr (mag 4.0) NGC 7392 (mag 11.8)
τ²-Aqr (mag 4.0) NGC 6962 (mag 11.9)
ζ¹-Aqr (mag 4.1) NGC 7218 (mag 11.9)
Ancha (mag 4.2) NGC 7600 (mag 11.9)
φ-Aqr (mag 4.2) NGC 7371 (mag 12.0)
ψ¹-Aqr (mag 4.2) NGC 7391 (mag 12.1)
ι-Aqr (mag 4.3) NGC 7302 (mag 12.2)
b²-Aqr (mag 4.4) NGC 7416 (mag 12.3)
ψ²-Aqr (mag 4.4) NGC 7171 (mag 12.3)
ζ²-Aqr (mag 4.4) NGC 7359 (mag 12.4)
EN Aqr (mag 4.5) NGC 7309 (mag 12.5)
c¹-Aqr (mag 4.5) NGC 7185 (mag 12.6)
ω²-Aqr (mag 4.5) NGC 7393 (mag 12.6)
ν-Aqr (mag 4.5) NGC 7180 (mag 12.6)
g-Aqr (mag 4.7) NGC 7167 (mag 12.7)
ξ-Aqr (mag 4.7) IC 1445 (mag 12.7)
b³-Aqr (mag 4.7) IC 1438 (mag 12.8)
μ-Aqr (mag 4.7) NGC 7365 (mag 12.8)
c³-Aqr (mag 4.7) NGC 7444 (mag 12.8)
O-Aqr (mag 4.8) NGC 7300 (mag 12.8)
π-Aqr (mag 4.8) NGC 7285 (mag 12.8)
σ-Aqr (mag 4.8) NGC 7736 (mag 12.9)
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