The Constellation Cassiopeia

by Dominic Ford
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Cassiopeia is one of the most recognisable of the constellations, a distinctive 'W' shape in the far northern sky. It is highest in the sky at midnight in the months around September.

The plane of the Milky Way runs through the middle of the 'W' asterism, making it a particularly rich area of the sky to view through binoculars. It contains more than twenty open clusters exceeding tenth magnitude, and a similar number of fifth magnitude stars.

In classical mythology, Cassiopeia was queen of Aethiopia, wife of Cepheus and mother of Andromeda.

Date First Appeared
Sky Area
1.5% of the sky
598.4 square degrees
Messier Objects
Cassiopeia contains the following Messier objects: M52, M103.
Caldwell Objects
Cassiopeia contains the following Caldwell objects: C8, C10, C11, C13, C17, C18.
The following constellations neighbor Cassiopeia: Andromeda, Camelopardalis, Cassiopeia, Cepheus, Lacerta, Perseus.
Cassiopeia Cassiopeia
The constellation Cassiopeia as it appears to the unaided eye. Roll mouse over to see labels.
Source: Stellarium.




Color scheme

Brightest Objects in Cassiopeia

Hover the pointer over the name of an object to highlight its position on the starchart to the right, or click to see more information.

Stars Open Clusters Globular Clusters Galaxies
γ-Cas (mag 2.2) NGC 457 (mag 6.4) NGC 185 (mag 9.2)
Schedar (mag 2.2) NGC 129 (mag 6.5) NGC 147 (mag 9.3)
Caph (mag 2.3) NGC 654 (mag 6.5) IC 10 (mag 10.3)
Ruchbah (mag 2.7) NGC 1027 (mag 6.7) NGC 278 (mag 10.8)
ε-Cas (mag 3.4) NGC 7789 (mag 6.7) NGC 1343 (mag 12.4)
η-Cas (mag 3.5) IC 1848 (mag 6.8)
ζ-Cas (mag 3.7) Messier 52 (mag 6.9)
NGC771 (mag 4.0) NGC 225 (mag 7.0)
50-Cas (mag 4.0) NGC 663 (mag 7.1)
κ-Cas (mag 4.2) Messier 103 (mag 7.4)
θ-Cas (mag 4.3) IC 1590 (mag 7.4)
O-Cas (mag 4.5) NGC 659 (mag 7.9)
ρ-Cas (mag 4.5) IC 1805 (mag 7.9)
ι-Cas (mag 4.6) NGC 637 (mag 8.2)
υ²-Cas (mag 4.6) NGC 7790 (mag 8.5)
A-Cas (mag 4.6) NGC 189 (mag 8.8)
χ-Cas (mag 4.7) NGC 436 (mag 8.8)
ψ-Cas (mag 4.7) NGC 146 (mag 9.1)
λ-Cas (mag 4.7) NGC 381 (mag 9.3)
ξ-Cas (mag 4.8) NGC 133 (mag 9.4)
HIP 4151 (mag 4.8) NGC 7788 (mag 9.4)
υ¹-Cas (mag 4.8) NGC 559 (mag 9.5)
HIP 14862 (mag 4.8) NGC 103 (mag 9.8)
1-Cas (mag 4.8) NGC 609 (mag 11.0)
τ-Cas (mag 4.9) NGC 136 (mag 11.3)
AR Cas (mag 4.9) IC 166 (mag 11.7)
ν-Cas (mag 4.9) NGC 366 (mag 12.0)
π-Cas (mag 5.0) NGC 110
ω-Cas (mag 5.0) NGC 433
4-Cas (mag 5.0) NGC 657
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