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Showing results 1 to 50 of 204.


Name Type Mag Dist. / kpc Constellation R.A. Decl.
Name Type Mag Dist. / kpc Constellation R.A. Decl.
IC1257 Globular cluster 25.000 Ophiuchus 17h27m−07°05'
IC1276 Globular cluster 5.400 Serpens Cauda 18h10m−07°12'
IC2134 Globular cluster 13.9 Mensa 05h23m−75°26'
IC2140 Globular cluster 13.5 Mensa 05h33m−75°22'
IC2146 Globular cluster 12.4 50.000 Mensa 05h37m−74°46'
IC2148 Globular cluster 14.2 Mensa 05h39m−75°33'
IC2161 Globular cluster 14.2 Mensa 05h57m−75°08'
IC4499 Globular cluster 10.1 18.900 Apus 15h00m−82°12'
M10 Globular cluster 6.6 4.400 Ophiuchus 16h57m−04°05'
M107 Globular cluster 7.8 6.400 Ophiuchus 16h32m−13°03'
M12 Globular cluster 6.1 4.900 Ophiuchus 16h47m−01°56'
M13 Globular cluster 5.8 7.700 Hercules 16h41m+36°27'
M14 Globular cluster 7.6 9.300 Ophiuchus 17h37m−03°14'
M15 Globular cluster 6.3 10.300 Pegasus 21h29m+12°10'
M19 Globular cluster 6.8 8.600 Ophiuchus 17h02m−26°16'
M2 Globular cluster 6.6 11.500 Aquarius 21h33m−00°49'
M22 Globular cluster 5.2 3.200 Sagittarius 18h36m−23°54'
M28 Globular cluster 6.9 5.600 Sagittarius 18h24m−24°52'
M3 Globular cluster 6.3 10.400 Canes Venatici 13h42m+28°22'
M30 Globular cluster 6.9 8.000 Capricornus 21h40m−23°10'
M4 Globular cluster 5.4 2.200 Scorpius 16h23m−26°31'
M5 Globular cluster 5.7 7.500 Serpens Caput 15h18m+02°04'
M53 Globular cluster 7.7 17.800 Coma Berenices 13h12m+18°10'
M54 Globular cluster 7.7 26.800 Sagittarius 18h55m−30°28'
M55 Globular cluster 6.3 5.300 Sagittarius 19h39m−30°57'
M56 Globular cluster 8.4 10.100 Lyra 19h16m+30°11'
M62 Globular cluster 6.4 6.900 Ophiuchus 17h01m−30°06'
M68 Globular cluster 7.3 10.200 Hydra 12h39m−26°44'
M69 Globular cluster 8.3 9.100 Sagittarius 18h31m−32°20'
M70 Globular cluster 7.8 9.000 Sagittarius 18h43m−32°17'
M71 Globular cluster 8.4 4.000 Sagitta 19h53m+18°46'
M72 Globular cluster 9.2 17.000 Aquarius 20h53m−12°32'
M75 Globular cluster 8.6 20.700 Sagittarius 20h06m−21°55'
M79 Globular cluster 7.7 12.900 Lepus 05h24m−24°31'
M80 Globular cluster 7.3 10.000 Scorpius 16h17m−22°58'
M9 Globular cluster 7.8 7.900 Ophiuchus 17h19m−18°30'
M92 Globular cluster 6.5 8.200 Hercules 17h17m+43°08'
NGC104 Globular cluster 4.0 4.500 Tucana 00h24m−72°04'
NGC1049 Globular cluster 13.6 136.000 Fornax 02h39m−34°15'
NGC121 Globular cluster 11.2 61.000 Tucana 00h26m−71°32'
NGC1261 Globular cluster 8.4 16.400 Horologium 03h12m−55°13'
NGC1466 Globular cluster 11.6 52.000 Hydrus 03h44m−71°40'
NGC1629 Globular cluster 12.7 Hydrus 04h29m−71°50'
NGC1644 Globular cluster 12.9 50.000 Dorado 04h37m−66°11'
NGC1649 Globular cluster 13.1 50.000 Dorado 04h38m−68°40'
NGC1651 Globular cluster 12.3 49.000 Mensa 04h37m−70°35'
NGC1693 Globular cluster 12.9 Dorado 04h47m−69°20'
NGC1695 Globular cluster 12.2 Dorado 04h47m−69°22'
NGC1697 Globular cluster 12.6 Dorado 04h48m−68°33'
NGC1698 Globular cluster 12.1 Dorado 04h49m−69°06'
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