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Showing results 451 to 500 of 580.


Name Type Mag Dist. / kpc Constellation R.A. Decl.
Name Type Mag Dist. / kpc Constellation R.A. Decl.
ι-Her Star 3.8 0.153 Hercules 17h39m27s+46°00'22"
υ-UMa Star 3.8 0.035 Ursa Major 09h50m58s+59°02'17"
Sualocin Star 3.8 0.078 Delphinus 20h39m38s+15°54'43"
α-Lac Star 3.8 0.032 Lacerta 22h31m17s+50°16'57"
ι-Gem Star 3.8 0.042 Gemini 07h25m43s+27°47'51"
κ-Cyg Star 3.8 0.038 Cygnus 19h17m06s+53°22'08"
u-Car Star 3.8 0.030 Carina 10h53m29s−58°51'10"
κ-Per Star 3.8 0.035 Perseus 03h09m29s+44°51'27"
φ-Cen Star 3.8 0.141 Centaurus 13h58m16s−42°06'03"
46-LMi Star 3.8 0.029 Leo Minor 10h53m18s+34°12'53"
NGC2516 Open cluster 3.8 0.409 Carina 07h58m−60°45'
σ-Ori Star 3.8 Orion 05h38m44s−02°36'00"
γ²-Leo Star 3.8 Leo 10h19m58s+19°50'26"
δ-Ser Star 3.8 Serpens Caput 15h34m48s+10°32'21"
V695-Cyg Star 3.8 0.271 Cygnus 20h13m37s+46°44'28"
υ²-Eri Star 3.8 0.065 Eridanus 04h35m32s−30°33'44"
c-Car Star 3.8 0.098 Carina 08h55m02s−60°38'40"
α-Aps Star 3.8 0.153 Apus 14h47m51s−79°02'41"
λ-Dra Star 3.8 0.116 Draco 11h31m24s+69°19'51"
b-Vel Star 3.8 2.319 Vela 08h40m37s−46°38'55"
δ-Sge Star 3.8 0.182 Sagitta 19h47m23s+18°32'03"
γ-Mus Star 3.8 0.116 Musca 12h32m27s−72°07'58"
s-Car Star 3.8 0.474 Carina 10h27m52s−58°44'21"
VdB 127 Nebula 3.8 Sagitta 19h45m+17°41'
ρ-Leo Star 3.8 0.628 Leo 10h32m48s+09°18'23"
β-Dor Star 3.8 0.341 Dorado 05h33m37s−62°29'23"
μ-Hya Star 3.8 0.075 Hydra 10h26m05s−16°50'11"
O-Her Star 3.8 0.107 Hercules 18h07m32s+28°45'45"
q-Vel Star 3.8 0.032 Vela 10h14m43s−42°07'18"
υ¹-Cen Star 3.8 0.131 Centaurus 13h58m40s−44°48'13"
θ¹-Tau Star 3.8 0.047 Taurus 04h28m34s+15°57'43"
κ¹-Lup Star 3.8 0.057 Lupus 15h11m55s−48°44'16"
β-Ret Star 3.8 0.030 Reticulum 03h44m11s−64°48'24"
p-Vel Star 3.8 0.027 Vela 10h37m18s−48°13'32"
μ-Sgr Star 3.8 Sagittarius 18h13m45s−21°03'31"
θ-Her Star 3.8 0.244 Hercules 17h56m15s+37°15'02"
δ-Col Star 3.8 0.066 Columba 06h22m06s−33°26'11"
τ-Cen Star 3.8 0.041 Centaurus 12h37m41s−48°32'28"
δ-TrA Star 3.8 0.219 Triangulum Australe 16h15m26s−63°41'08"
α-Sct Star 3.8 0.057 Scutum 18h35m12s−08°14'43"
O¹-CMa Star 3.8 0.777 Canis Major 06h54m07s−24°11'03"
γ-CrB Star 3.8 0.045 Corona Borealis 15h42m44s+26°17'44"
γ-Ser Star 3.9 0.011 Serpens Caput 15h56m27s+15°39'21"
Sadachbia Star 3.9 0.050 Aquarius 22h21m39s−01°23'14"
109-Her Star 3.9 0.037 Hercules 18h23m42s+21°46'07"
α-Hor Star 3.9 0.036 Horologium 04h14m00s−42°17'42"
ρ-Sco Star 3.9 0.137 Scorpius 15h56m53s−29°12'51"
β-Pic Star 3.9 0.020 Pictor 05h47m17s−51°03'58"
Maia Star 3.9 0.130 Taurus 03h45m49s+24°22'03"
θ-Hya Star 3.9 0.035 Hydra 09h14m21s+02°18'51"
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